Member-only story
ToterDAO + TOTER coin
Part 1: seeding the vault, distribution of TOTER coins & crowdsourcing future acquisitions.
The earliest trashart in my collection tells a story. I would like the collection to remain intact for the future, rather than hodling it forever or selling them off one-by-one. Thus, I created ToterDAO & the associated TOTER coin. I hope to profit, but also aim to reward trashart creators & collectors.
On Jan 4, I minted ToterDAO Historic Trashart Vault on I’ve seeded the vault with 10 important piece of trashart, most minted in early-to-mid 2020. I’ve also confirmed with Fractional (Deeze, Andy) that new pieces can be safely added to the collection (will be redeemable). I set the “Curator Fee” to a modest 3% (max is 10%, I earn this fee annually when people swap TOTER on Fractional) and set the initial reserve to 8 eth ($30k).
SEED COLLECTION: Newest to eldest (all minted in 2020):
(1)”13 Gallon Black Step-On Trashcan” by Robness [minted 10/2020]
(2)”PORTRAIT OF A MASTER CRYPTOARTIST CREATING A MODERN STILL LIFE” by Jay Delay [minted 8/2020] (this is version 2; V1 is in MOCA)
(3) “Trashart wall” by Allbi [minted 7/2020]
(4) “DID SOMEONE SAY FIRE CRACK?!?” by ih0dl [minted 7/2020]
(5) “Trailer Trash” by ThePerfesser [minted 7/2020]
(6) “Trippy Bird Trash Art 1/1” by CryptoTonya [minted…