Member-only story
Twitter Likes & SuperRare Cryptoart
The higher the sales price of SuperRare cryptoart, the more likes the sale post gets on Twitter.
The following trends were observed: when art sells for <0.5 eth, the post typically gets 10 or fewer likes. Art in the 0.5–1.5 eth range typically gets 20 or fewer likes. Art that sells for 1.5 eth+ typically gets ~ 50 likes, increasing with sales price to an observed maximum of 85 at 17 eth.
Next, I tested the predictive power of the above observations (I am not using the term “model” because I didn’t attempt to fit the data with an equation). One June 11, Artist Afonso Caravaggio @carav4ggio sold a piece for 16 eth. I predicted that the sales post would get 50–70 likes. It got 77 (after 1 week).
When art gets substantially more likes that predicted by its price, it may be seen as an “outlier.” One recent example is the CatDirty @catdirtyart below that sold for 1 eth on June 14 and got 140+ likes. It may be that that the buyer got an exceptional deal on this piece, since the number of likes is more typically of that observed for a 10 eth+ sale.
There may of course be other explanations.
The End.
Conflict statement: no conflicts declared.